Wednesday, May 6, 2009
प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहालले भिडियो प्रकरणबारे पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा भने-
- हाम्रो सरकार बनेपछि नागरिक सर्वोच्चतालाई ठाडै चुनौती दिने काम भइरह्यो
- राष्ट्रपतिद्वारा द्वैध शासन स्थापित गर्ने काम भयो।
- तत्कालीन स्थितिमा संविधानसभाको चुनाव हुने हो कि होइन भन्ने चर्चा भइरहेका बेला मैले ती कुरा राखेकै हुँ
- संविधान निर्माण र शान्ति प्रक्रियालाई तार्किक निष्कर्षमा पुर्याउन हाम्रो पार्टी क्रियाशील छ
- मैले त्यहाँ केन्द्रीय रेगुलर आर्मीको मात्र संख्या बताएको हुँ
- राष्ट्रपतिले चालेको कदम एक प्रकारले 'कु' नै हो
- कुनै पनि राजनीतिक पार्टीका कार्यकर्तालाई भौतिक कारबाही गर्ने पार्टीको नीति छैन, यो रोक्न र भएको भए कारबाही गर्न सम्बन्धित इन्चार्जलाई भनिसकेको छु
- हाम्रो पार्टीको नीति सदनबाहिर र भित्र शान्तिपूर्ण विरोध गर्ने मात्र हो, अरु कारबाही गर्ने छैन
- राष्ट्रपतिको गल्ती सच्चिनुपर्यो, सबै ठीक भएर जान्छ
- हामी भिडियो टेपबारे छानबिन गर्दैछौ
सेना समायोजनमा पुनर्विचार गर्नु पर्ने :यसो भन्छ कांग्रेस
0 comments Posted by Anish Aaryan at 4:22 PMNagarik News, काठमाडौं वैशाख २३
नेपाली कांग्रेसले मिडियामा सार्जजनिक भएको श्रव्यदृष्यमार्फत् माओवादी अध्यक्ष पुष्पकमल दाहालले वास्तविक लडाकु चार हजार मात्रै भएको खुलासा गरेकाले त्यसैका आधारमा सेना समायोजनमा पुनर्विचार हुनुपर्ने बताएको छ। पार्टी कार्यालय सानेपामा बुधबार पत्रकार सम्मेलनमार्फत् कांग्रेसले यस्तो धारणा सार्वजनिक गरेको छ।
कांग्रेस केन्द्रीय सदस्य प्रकाशशरण महतले भने- माओवादीका अध्यक्षलेनै वास्तविक लडाकु ४ हजार भएको बताएकाले उहाँकै भनाईको आधारमा सेना समायोजनमा पुनर्विचार गर्नुपर्छ।
कांग्रेसले यसअघि माओवादीप्रति पार्टीले गरेको शंकाको पुष्टि भएको ठहरसमेत गरेको छ । 'टेपमार्फत माओवादीको खतरानाक उदेश्य र रणनीति सार्वजनिक भएको छ', महतले भने- 'भिडियो टेप सार्वजनिक भएपछि माओवादी सर्वसत्तावाद लाद्ने विषयमा कुनै द्विविधा रहेको छैन।
कांग्रेसले माओवादी लडाकुको तेस्रो डिभिजनको कार्यक्रममा कार्यकर्ताहरु माझ व्यक्त गरेको विचारले समग्र शान्ति प्रक्रियालाई समेत असर गर्नसक्ने शंका गरेको छ। महतले भने- 'माओवादीले रणनीतिकरुपमा होइन, साँच्चिकै लोकतन्त्र र शान्ति प्रक्रियामा आएको पुष्टि गर्न व्यवहारमा देखाउनुपर्छ, नत्र विश्वास गर्न सकिँदैन।
सरकारको नेतृत्व गर्दासमेत माओवादीले विद्रोही संस्कार नछाडेकोले मिडियामार्फत सार्वजनिक भएको टेपमा वबलिएका कुराहरु वास्तविकताको नजिक भएको कांग्रेसले निष्कर्ष निकालेको छ।
कांग्रेसले पार्टीमा आन्तरिक छलफल र सर्वदलीय बैठकमार्फत टेप प्रकरणको निष्कर्ष निकाल्ने बताएको छ । महतले भने- हामी सर्वदलीय स्तरमा र पार्टीका केन्द्रीय समितिमा छलफल गरेर माओवादीलाई हेर्ने दृष्टिकोण तयार गर्छौ।
महतले माओवादीले विगतका सम्झौतालाई अक्षरश कार्यान्वयन नगरेसम्म उनीहरुप्रति विश्वास गर्न नसकिने बताए।
कांग्रेसले रोल्पा र रामेछापमा कांग्रेसलगायत् अन्य दलका कार्यकर्तालाई माओवादीले गाउँ छोड्न दिएको धम्कीको घोर भर्त्सना गरेको छ । महतले भने- शान्ति सुरक्षाप्रति संवेदनशील हुन र यस्ता गैरकानुनी क्रियाकलाप तत्काल रोक्न हामी सरकारसँग माग गर्दछौ।
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009
मंगलबार साँझ अज्ञात समूहले इमेज च्यानल घेराउ गरेको छ। च्यानलले माओवादी अध्यक्ष पुष्पकमल दाहालले सत्ता कब्जा र सैन्य रणनीति बारे बोलेको गोप्य भिडियो सार्वजनिक गरेको थियो। माओवादी अध्यक्ष एवमं 'जनमुक्ति सेना' तत्कालीन 'सुप्रिम कमान्डर' पुष्पकमल दाहालले २०६४ पुस १८ गते चितवन शक्तिखोरस्थित लडाकु शिविर पार्टीको आन्तरिक प्रशिक्षणमा बोलेको गोप्य भिडियो थियो त्यो।
राष्ट्रसंघीय निकाय अनमिनले माओवादी शिविरमा रहेका लडाकु मध्ये करिब २० हजारलाई सेना समायोजनका लागि प्रमाणित गरे पनि यो संख्या लडाकुको वास्तविक संख्या भन्दा तेब्बर बढी हो भनेर पुष्पकमल दाहालले यो भिडियोमा खुलासा गरेका छन्।
उनले भनेका थिए,"तपाई हामी कम्प्रोमाइज हुनुभन्दा अगाडि साँच्चै भन्यो भने त थोरै थियौं नि सात हजार आठ हजारको हारहारीमा पुगेका थियौं। हामीले ३५ हजार लगेर (शिविरमा) राखिदिएको २० हजारको हारहारीमा त आयो नि कम्तिमा। अरुलाई पो भन्न हुन्न त। यो हो नि साँचो कुरा त"।
उनले थपेका थिए,"हाम्रो लिडरसिपले वुद्धि पुर्याएर सात हजारलाई २१ हजार त बनायो रेगुलर आर्मी... फेरि हामी कहाँ घटेका छौं र बढेका पो छौं त। फेरि हामीले बाहिर वाइसीएल पनि त बनाएका छौं त्यो संरचना हामीले छोडेका छैनौं र त्यतातिर हजारौं थपिरहेका छौं।"
उनले आफ्नो वास्तविक लडाकुमात्र शिविरमा राखेको भए अनमिनले चार हजारको हारहारीका लडाकुमात्र समायोजनका लागि योग्य ठहर्याइदिने बताएका थिए।
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Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 and died on March 14, 1883. He was a German economist, philosopher, and revolutionist whose writings form the basis of the body of ideas known as Marxism. With the aid of Friedrich Engels he produced much of the theory of modern socialism and communism. Marx's father, Heinrich, was a Jewish lawyer who had converted his family to Christianity partly in order to preserve his job in the Prussian state. Karl himself was baptized in the Evangelical church. As a student at the University of Berlin, young Marx was strongly influenced by the philosophy of Georg Hegel and by a radical group called Young Hegelians, who attempted to apply Hegelian ideas to the movement against organized religion and the Prussian autocracy.
In 1841, Marx received a doctorate in philosophy.
In 1842, Marx became editor of the Rheinische Zeitung in Cologne, a liberal democratic newspaper for which he wrote increasingly radical editorials on social and economic issues. The newspaper was banned by the Prussian government in 1843, and Marx left for Paris with his bride, Jenny von Westphalen. There he went further in his criticism of society, building on the Young Hegelian criticism of religion. Ludwig Feuerbach had written a book called The Essence of Christianity, arguing that God had been invented by humans as a projection of their own ideals.
Feuerbach wrote that man, however, in creating God in his own image, had "alienated himself from himself." He had created another being in contrast to himself, reducing himself to a lowly, evil creature who needed both church and government to guide and control him. If religion were abolished, Feuerbach claimed, human beings would overcome their alienation.
Marx applied this idea of alienation to private property, which he said caused humans to work only for themselves, not for the good of their species. In his papers of this period, published as Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts
of 1844, he elaborated on the idea that alienation had an economic base.He called for a communist society to overcome the dehumanizing effect of private property.
In 1845, Marx moved to Brussels, and in 1847 he went to London. He had previously made friends with Friedrich Engels, the son of a wealthy textile manufacturer who, like himself, had been a Young Hegelian. They collaborated on a book which was a criticism of some of their Young Hegelian friends for their stress on alienation.
In 1845, Marx jotted down some notes, Theses on Feuerbach, which he and Engels enlarged into a book, The German Ideology, in which they developed their materialistic conception of history. They argued that human thought was determined by social and economic forces, particularly those related to the means of production. They developed a method of analysis they called dialectical materialism, in which the clash of historical forces leads to changes in society.
In 1847 a London organization of workers invited Marx and Engels to prepare a program for them. It appeared in 1848 as The Communist Manifesto. In it they declared that all history was the history of class struggles. Under capitalism, the struggle between the working class and the business class would end in a new society, a communist one.
The outbreak of the Revolutions of 1848 in Europe led Marx to return to Cologne, where he began publication of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung, but with the failure of the German liberal democratic movement he moved permanently, in 1849, to London. For many years he and his family lived in poverty, aided by small subventions from Engels and by bequests from the relatives of Marx's wife. From 1851 to 1862 he contributed articles and editorials to The New York Tribune, then edited by Horace Greeley. Most of his time, however, was spent in the British Museum, studying economic and social history and developing his theories.
Marx's ideas began to influence a group of workers and German emigres in London, who established the International Workingmen's Association in 1864, later known as the First International. By the time of the brief Commune of Paris in 1871, Marx's name had begun to be well known in European political circles. A struggle developed within the International between Marx and the Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, whom Marx eventually defeated and expelled, at the cost of destroying the International.
In 1867, Marx published the first volume of Das Kapital. The next two volumes, edited by Engels, were published after Marx's death. The fourth volume was edited by Karl Kautsky. Marx's last years were marked by illness and depression. Marx continued to write treatises on socialism, urging that his followers disdain softhearted bourgeois tendencies. At Marx's funeral in Highgate Cemetery in London, Engels spoke of him as "the best-hated and most-calumniated man of his time." The importance of Marx's thought, however, extends far beyond the revolutionary movements whose prophet he became. His writings on economics and sociology are still influential in academic circles and among many who do not share his political views.
The main philosophical works of Karl Marx that are of interest to most students are the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital.
Monday, May 4, 2009
A diode is an electrical device which allows the current to move through it in one direction easily than in other direction. The junction diode is the combination of p-type and n-type semiconductor material. The lead which is connected to the p-type material is called the anode and the lead which is connected to the n-type material is called cathode. The cathode is marked by a solid line of the diode.
Fig.1 Symbol for junction diode
When p-type of the material is connected to the positive side of the battery and n-type is connected to the negative terminal, then the current flow in the circuit. Such combination of junction diode and the battery is called forward-biased. When the polarity of the battery is reversed i.e. the p-type is connected to the negative terminal of the battery and the n-type is connected to the positive terminal, then the combination is called reversed biased. In the forward biased, holes in the p-type of the material are repelled by the positive terminal of the battery and so as by negative terminal and the electrons in the n-type material. This results in the decrease in the depletion layer and hence the current flow in the circuit. But, in case of the reverse-biased, there is increase in depletion layer and the diode blocks current. The diode is assumed to be closed switch for forward-biased and open switch for reverse-biased.
Forward biasing: -
- Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.
- After connection the circuit, the power supply is varied from 0V to 2V by 0.1V.
- Then, the voltage across the resistor and diode is noted.
- Then, the circuit flowing across the diode is calculated.
Reverse biasing: -
- Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.
- After connection the circuit, the power supply is varied from 0V to 20V by 1V.
- Then, the voltage across the resistor and diode is noted.
- Then, the circuit flowing across the diode is calculated.
The Hartley oscillator is an LC electronic oscillator that derives its feedback from a tapped coil in parallel with a capacitor (the tank circuit). Although there is no requirement for there to be mutual coupling between the two coil segments, the circuit is usually implemented as such. A Hartley oscillator is essentially any configuration that uses a pair of series-connected coils and a single capacitor.
Fig:Transistor Hartley oscillator
In the oscillator, the feedback voltage is developed by the inductive voltage divider, L1 & L2. Since the output voltage appears across L1 and the feedback voltage across L2, the feedback fraction is
β = V / Vout = XL2 / XL1 = L2 / L1
As usual, the loading effect of the base is ignored. For oscillations to start, the voltage gain must be greater than 1/ β. The frequency of oscillation is given by
f=1/(2π√(L_eq C))
Similarly, an opamp based Hartley oscillator circuit is shown below:
Fig: Op amp Hartler Oscillator
Haiku is a poetic form and a type of poetry from the Japanese culture. Haiku combines form, content, and language in a meaningful, yet compact form. Haiku themes include nature, feelings, or experiences. Usually simple words and grammar are used in Haiku. A Haiku must "paint" a mental image in the reader's mind.
The most common form for Haiku is three short lines. The first line usually contains five (5) syllables, the second line seven (7) syllables, and the third line contains five (5) syllables. Haiku doesn't rhyme.
This is the challenge of Haiku - to put the poem's meaning and imagery in the reader's mind in ONLY 17 syllables over just three (3) lines of poetry!
Previously called hokku, it was given its current name, Haiku, by the Japanese writer Masaoka Shiki at the end of 19th century.
Masaoka Shiki was the pen-name of a Japanese author, poet, literary critic, and journalist in Meiji period Japan. His real name was Masaoka Tsunenori, but as a child he was called Tokoronosuke.Later, he changed his own name Noboru.
Instruction to write Haiku:-
1. Think about a theme for your haiku and write down some of the words that come to mind on that theme.
2. Organize your thoughts roughly onto three lines. First, set the scene, then expand on that by expressing a feeling, making an observation or recording an action. Keep it simple.
3. Polish your haiku into three lines, the first with five syllables, the second line with seven syllables and the third line with five syllables. It may take some time and substitution of words to make it fit.
So simple.
Try. Practise. And be a Haiku poet.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
0 comments Posted by Anish Aaryan at 12:36 AMWorld's most wealthiest TYCOONS and the their source of INCOME.Also see what the WEALTH-METER shows: who has added and who has lost the WEALTH.
No. | Name | Net worth ( USD) | Age | | Residence | Sources of wealth |
&0000000000000001.0000001▲ | Gates, BillBill Gates | $40.0 billion ▼ | 53 | US | US | Microsoft |
&0000000000000002.0000002▼ | Buffett, WarrenWarren Buffett | $37.0 billion ▼ | 78 | US | US | Berkshire Hathaway |
&0000000000000003.0000003▼ | Helú, Carlos SlimCarlos Slim Helú | $35.0 billion ▼ | 69 | Mexico | Mexico | Telmex, América Móvil |
&0000000000000004.0000004▲ | Ellison, LawrenceLawrence Ellison | $22.5 billion ▼ | 64 | US | US | Oracle Corporation |
&0000000000000005.0000005▲ | Kamprad, IngvarIngvar Kamprad and family | $22.0 billion ▼ | 82 | Sweden | Switzerland | IKEA |
&0000000000000006.0000006▲ | Albrecht, KarlKarl Albrecht | $21.5 billion ▼ | 89 | Germany | Germany | Aldi Süd |
&0000000000000007.0000007▼ | Ambani, MukeshMukesh Ambani | $19.5 billion ▼ | 51 | India | India | Reliance Industries |
&0000000000000008.0000008▼ | Mittal, LakshmiLakshmi Mittal | $19.3 billion ▼ | 58 | India | UK | Arcelor Mittal |
&0000000000000009.0000009▲ | Albrecht, TheoTheo Albrecht | $18.8 billion ▼ | 86 | Germany | Germany | ALDI Nord, Trader Joe's |
&0000000000000010.00000010▲ | Ortega, AmancioAmancio Ortega | $18.3 billion ▼ | 73 | Spain | Spain | Inditex Group |
&0000000000000011.00000011▲ | Walton, JimJim Walton | $17.8 billion ▼ | 61 | US | US | Wal-Mart |
&0000000000000012.00000012▲ | Walton, AliceAlice Walton | $17.6 billion ▼ | 59 | US | US | Wal-Mart |
&0000000000000012.00000012▲ | Walton, ChristyChristy Walton | $17.6 billion ▼ | 54 | US | US | Wal-Mart |
&0000000000000012.00000012▲ | Walton, S. RobsonS. Robson Walton | $17.6 billion ▼ | 65 | US | US | Wal-Mart |
&0000000000000015.00000015▼ | Arnault, BernardBernard Arnault | $16.5 billion ▼ | 60 | France | France | LVMH Moët Hennessy • Louis Vuitton |
&0000000000000016.00000016▼ | Ka-shing, LiLi Ka-shing | $16.2 billion ▼ | 80 | HongKong | HongKong | Cheung Kong Holdings, Hutchison Whampoa |
&0000000000000017.00000017▲ | Bloomberg, MichaelMichael Bloomberg | $16.0 billion ▲ | 67 | US | US | Bloomberg L.P. |
&0000000000000018.00000018▲ | Persson, StefanStefan Persson | $14.5 billion ▼ | 61 | Sweden | Sweden | Hennes & Mauritz |
&0000000000000019.00000019▲ | Koch, CharlesCharles Koch | $14.0 billion ▼ | 73 | US | US | Koch Industries |
&0000000000000019.00000019▲ | Koch, David H.David H. Koch | $14.0 billion ▼ | 68 | US | US | Koch Industries |